Resume Tips for Freshers

Resume Tips for Freshers

- Use correct typography, fonts and the size.  Avoid unnecessary formatting. Avoid unessential capitalization or use of bold letters.

- Avoid using ALL CAPS.

- Font size should be 11-12.

- Don’t get fancy. Don’t use 2 or 3 colors (unless you’re an actual designer applying for a design job). Make it easy to read, and easy to skim. Make sure the formatting is consistent too.

- Your resume must be easy to read. Always think of the reader’s needs.

- No spelling errors: This is very important.

- Don't use Abbreviations.

- Always remember to put your mobile number; if possible give an alternate number.

- Don’t list down so many ways to contact you.

- Don’t talk about your parents and their professions.

- Avoid using Hobbies and Interests

- Never send a badly duplicated photocopy of your resume. Even if you have to send a photocopy ideally use a good copier and executive bond paper or other similar quality.

These above mentioned are basic Resume Tips for Freshers.

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